Stutts Marina Tree Planting
Volunteers Needed!!!
Fall is the time to plant trees and shrubs! Trees are important resources for wildlife. They provide food, water and cover year-round. Our friends and LNWC supporters at Stutts Marina are offering up their facility as a planting site for ten large October Glory Maples as part of NCWF's Trees4Trash program. LNWC is seeking 12 volunteers for the planting event scheduled for Saturday, November 14th 2020 @ 10:00 A.M. til 12:00 P.M. Volunteers should wear appropriate attire including work gloves, boots/ work shoes, and also please bring a shovel if you have one. Given the spacing of the trees, we will be able to socially distance, but please bring a face covering so that we can all remain safe. Please click the link below to signup, or contact [email protected] for more information.